Saturday, 18 October 2014

*Candy~Merah Makeup Artistry* {Natural Makeup Tutorial}

*Candy~Merah Makeup Artistry* shows you how to achieve a natural look in 12 short and easy simple steps! Here's how:

step 1:
Prepare the face by cleansing it and moisturizing it by primer of lotion of choice.

                                                      step 2:
Begin to apply a foundation best matching the skin tone and undertone of client. If the person has more than one undertone, ensure that you mix the two relevant foundation coloures to achieve a tone that best matches the exact skin tone of the client.
                                                     step 3:
Prepare the eyebrows by brushing them in upward motions to straighten them up.

step 4:
Apply eyebrow pencil (preferably dark brown on lighter skin tones) on the eyebrows in accordance to the shape of the eyebrows, nothing less and nothing more. be sure to brush on the coloure gently, caring to only fill, and not 'draw'.

step 5:
Brush out the eyebrow work between each brow, this is to ensure that they appear natural.

step 6:
Neaten your work with a slanted brush using the clients foundation coloure, perfecting the eyebrows once and for all.

step 7:
Apply a highlight of choice. this is any eye shadow that brings out the eyes, Highlights differ per skin tone so be careful to research professional advise on which highlight eyeshadow best sutes you. In this case we use a light gold highlight as the client is light skinned. 

For example:

Image Reference:

Be sure to use only natural eye coloures when aiming to achieve a natural look.

step 8:
Select a warmer coloure to bridge from the highlight, once having applied that, the fun begins where you may design with an even darker coloure, the lower eye. In this look we work around the bridge coloure, applying it to the sides in circular motions to achieve a shading effect.

step 9:
Apply Natural lip coloure and blush. (Our choice was natural pink lips and a golden blush)

step 10:
NEVER FORGET TO CONTOUR! On of course the relevant parts of the face.

step 11:
Apply liquid eyeliner above the eyelid to add a finishing touch.

step 12:
VWAH~LAH! Your work here is done! :-)

*Candy~Merah Makeup Artistry*
Your beauty magnified.

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